Minggu, 07 Agustus 2011


Yellow is the color that gives brightness to the world,,, if I could be the color yellow, I will enlighten the world with no sense of bleak that descend upon your face a dull...

All just for you lovers of the yellow color, all the current expression ˆ⌣ˆ♥


Selasa, 02 Agustus 2011

Become A Jockey ^^♥

Day of weeks ago I was confused where to go refreshing, I finally decided to ride accompanied by my boyfriend,,, unexpectedly many visitors who come there.... not only youngsters but there is also a pair of parents who are raising children...... ˆ⌣ˆ♥
Beautiful horse, named GABY ;)
Oh yea...for once around the field for about 5-10 minutes appreciated 10 thousand dollars, 
if you want to tour around the villa you just spent 20 thousand, 
if you want to get around PH (PONDOK HALIMUN) about 30 minutes you just need to spend 50 thousand and if you still want to ride for 1 hour you have to pay 100 thousand, is very affordable right friends :)


See the sweet smile of fourth grade elementary school children who were riding makes me feel embarrassment because I feel lost in my life that getting old is new to riding, but if I try I can certainly ahaaa... LOL :D
   so beautiful place . . . ***
 I'm very happy today... :'>

Thankyou my dearest, my photographer who is always faithful to keep me company while sweating ˆ⌣ˆ♥

Note *** 
keliling lapangan  = IDR 10.000,-
keliling Vila   = IDR 20.000,-
keliling PH 30menit = IDR 50.000,-
keliling PH 60menit = IDR 100.000,-
Hanya di PONDOK HALIMUN / PH Salabintana -Sukabumi ;)


Senin, 01 Agustus 2011

Memories of LOGI (Pelabuan Ratu) ♥

Moments of sunset arrived ... at about 06.pm, I stood on the rock is very beautiful,,, enjoy everything there is a vast sea. could not blink my eyes adore the beauty of this beach LOGI, glued and so cool in this atmosphere,,, amazing!!! accompanied by someone who cared, and loved ones

Moments like the sunset comes ... :)
 I Love My Boyfriend
I want to go back to those days, when you hold my hands and you give your soul softness ;)

If you want to try to feel this moment came to LOGI (Pelabuan Ratu) only in Sukabumi, (also available villas are very comfortable for occupancy and the charge was relatively inexpensive) ;D guaranteed not to regret !!


Minggu, 31 Juli 2011

Sunset in the green hills ;)

Before sunset I took this photo above the altitude of 10 thousands feet above sea level, beautiful views ;)

Feel the coolness that is endless even though the sun will sink :)

Very comfortable so that makes me want to sit down and continue to see this atmosphere without the endless... ;)

If you want to try to feel this moment came to PONDOK HALIMUN (PH) only in Sukabumi, (also available villas are very comfortable for occupancy and the charge was relatively inexpensive) ;D


Selasa, 21 Juni 2011

With My Sist...... ;)

Go green ♥

Think Globally, Act Locally
Mungkin pastinya pernah anda baca, dengar & ketahui apa itu Go Green'

Jadi Please...,1x lagi teman2 semua,
dengan ajakan ini, kiranya dapat men'support & men'sukseskan ajakan untuk Hidup Lebih HIJAU, Lebih BERSIH & STOP Global Warming".

Dengan kesadaran yang tinggi kita sebagai Anak Bangsa yang masih memiliki Rasa & Jiwa Patriotisme sebagai generasi penerus bangsa untuk bersama2 menjadi; Pahlawan Tanpa Tanda Jasa' untuk Berbakti dalam Misi menyelamatkan Bumi Tercinta Ibu Pertiwi dan Anak Cucu kita dengan Go Green INDONESIA KU'

Ayo..Teman semua, terus suarakan Misi Go Green INDONESIA KU'
Bumi & Anak Cucu kita membutuhkan kita semua untuk :
*Be Green >> Tanam 1 Pohon.
*For Clean >> Buang Sampah Jangan Sembarangan' & Pisahkan Sampah Organik & Non Organik.

Dengan melakukan tindakan nyata' :
TANAM 1 POHON " untuk SEUMUR HIDUP ANDA = 1 Bakti untuk Bumi Indonesia Ibu Pertiwi + 1 Bukti Cinta pada Anak Cucu.

Jangan Tunda, Sampe Lupa".
Mohon untuk teman2 sebagai Pemerhati, Relawan, Aktivis dan Pecinta Lingkungan untuk dapat kiranya Sharing', baik berupa Berita, Opini, Foto2 & Informasi tentang Lingkungan.

Ayo...terus suarakan, Go Green INDONESIA KU'
Untuk Membuat Indonesia Lebih Hijau & Bersih.

Tks B4.